Confessions of A New Found Vegan
Defeating cancer twice has allowed me the chance to take a look at my diet. Could I be getting sick because of what I am eating? Perhaps it was time to look at what I put in my body. Maybe the food itself wasn't causing but allowing cells to transform.
There will always be scientific discussions about what causes cancer and why some get it and some don't. It my best interest, I need to change something or I might see Cancer 3. I would prefer to avoid that outcome.
My cousin Teresa turned me onto a book called "Eat To Live" by Joel Fuhrman. In this simple book, I was reminded of how we should eat as opposed to how we actually ate. Since when did fruits, veggies, raw nuts, and beans become the enemy? I had forgotten how little of these foods I was actually taking in. Not to mention, I was taking in processed foods and sugars to beat the band. Nothing natural in my diet. I was also eating a lot of dairy. I was cramping and feeling bloated most of the time. I wasn't eating a lot of meat, but enough.
One thing was certain. My stomach was producing a high amount of acid. I have acid reflux and a hiatal hernia, so most of the time eating was torture. Many will recall I don't eat late because of this. Was I to be subjected to a lifetime of horrible eating experiences? Perhaps there was a reason behind the torture. Doctors kept wanting to give me medicine and I kept buying tums. Nothing was working.
So I decided to change the way I looked at food and how I ate. I needed to or I was going to be miserable the rest of my life. Perhaps a vegan diet was more to my liking. "Eat To Live" isn't about not eating meat, but in the beginning starts a cleansing by eating more fruits and veggies. There are tons of recipes to get one started. I decided to be vegan not on the premise of saving any living being, but to save my own life. It's the best decision I ever made.
As I started to prepare for my new diet, I discovered how lazy I was where food and food prep was concerned. I had fallen into the fast food revolution without actually buying fast food. Whatever was quick, I grabbed. I warmed prepared foods. That was my idea of cooking. I discovered I was intolerant to dairy products. I ate too much cheese, thinking the protein was good for me. I also stopped drinking sodas including diet. Coke stock just dropped. I only drink water.
Something amazing happened just two weeks after I changed my diet. The reflux was nonexistent, I wasn't bloated, and I dropped weight from nowhere. AND I wasn't going hungry. My energy was up and I slept much better.
Many will argue I don't get enough protein in my diet. Ironically I discovered how many veggies indeed provide a lot of protein. Beans also provide protein and fiber. But alas, the vegetarian haters abound. They throw out remarks like "beans make you fart" without realizing red meat digestion makes one pass gas as much.
Not to long ago I had dinner with friends at a Mexican restaurant. When I found out, I decide to eat something because I knew there may not be a lot on the menu for a vegan. I was correct. Everyone was concerned about my well being. The snarky remarks followed. You would think I was promoting my diet. I simply saw nothing but fat on the menu and that wasn't the food I was eating.
It's funny how I was being put down for trying to change my way of looking at food, all parties knowing I had cancer twice, yet the one making the remarks the loudest was woofing down chips and cheese sauce like it was his last meal. Perhaps a little more cheese and the stomach could be used as a table. But I was the weirdo for wanting to eat healthy.
As a recovering alcoholic/addict of 5 years, I have learned it isn't my place to tell a person they need to change their habits. I do whatI do for me.
After two months, I have dropped 15 unwanted pounds, have no reflux issues, sleep well, am energetic, and look the best I have ever looked. Yes I am a bit vain at times, but I must confess it's nice to look good in clothes that are flattering. Fat ages a person. It makes people sick. It wears a person down. And yes, it promotes disease.
I made my own self discovery. I had to reprogram my brain as to how much acid was needed on a day to day basis. Today, that amount is less and I can actually have a nibble when out with the guys late at night.
Was it easy changing? Oh no. My body took three weeks to adjust and the adjustment period was less than flattering. But my body had to rid itself of poison. I knew there would be an adjustment so i wasn't surprised at the transition. Today, my body is taking in healthy food. I shop for better food. I spend more but feel the price is worth it. I actually enjoy cooking and I no longer make excuse why I can't eat healthy. I just do it!
The vegan diet isn't for everyone and I don't push it on people. It works for me.
I have never heard of anyone dying of diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease because of a vegetarian diet. I'm hoping the same will be said for cancer.
Just trying to be healthy...
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