The First Blog
Good morning,
In my attempt to start a blog, I wanted to think of a title that would suit my life and how I view such. I decided on C.B.S...Life Is Not A Big Fat Drama. Many here may question C.B.S. Isn't that a channel on TV? No, it's an acronym for Cuntie, Bitchie, Shallow. Ok, I know many hate the C word. So do I. BUT, it is appropriate in a world where everyone seems to be in a cranky mood. Why all the drama and attempts to cut each other to the core? Life isn't a big fat drama. It's life and it happens every day. We can face each day without presenting our worst face. Hopefully this blog will help me remember my own words. I mean, really, when it gets down to it, it is about me and my attempt to stay somewhat sane.
Attempting to be CBSless,
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